Category: Nutrients

Article 5-1 Because They Are What They Eat

By Cindy Rea In previous articles we have explored various types of sex! Now don’t rush out to find the pornographic back issues of Maximum Yield. If you weren’t fortunate enough to have read the articles we were talking about plant sex! (Exciting if you ‘re a grower but not too sexy if you’re expecting porn!) Sexual reproduction, the germination [ read more ]

Article 4-5 Oxy-cal

My name is Jennifer Min and I am a community college 2nd year student in a Biology 201 class. We are doing a seed germination research project and I came across your website when doing some research. It is a GREAT website with so much helpful/informative information! Thank you. I have a question about OXY-CAL, since we are thinking of [ read more ]

Article 4-5 Mildew

We have enjoyed operating a hydroponics store for several years now. During this time, we have helped many customers with a wide range of problems relating to their gardens. Many times in the past you have provided us with solid advice, and so we thought this time would be no exception. Our question is this: What would you recommend to [ read more ]

Article 4-5 Asexual Reproduction Cloning

Asexual Reproduction Cloning By Cindy Rea, Courtesy of Homegrown Hydroponics The concept of creating an exact replica of a living being through cloning has been the topic of many sci-fi and horror stories throughout the ages. The thought usually conjures up some image of a Frankenstein like monster whose genetic structure has gone haywire during the cloning process. Cloning is [ read more ]

Article 4-5 The Grey Ghost

Introduction Grey mould, Ash mould, Ghost spot – are all names which describe the various symptoms of infection by the common fungal pathogen, Botyrtis cinerea. Botrytis is by far the most common fungal disease encountered under cool, humid conditions, particularly were crops are grown at a high density with limited air movement. Botrytis is also one of the most damaging [ read more ]

Article 4-3 Nutrient Balances

Dear Maximum Yield: Could you please inform me about the ideal nutrient balances (macro and micro) expressed in ppm for the following crops: a) sweet pepper d) tomato b) eggplant e) lettuce c) cucumber f) radish Consider that we are working in an open hydroponic system (we don’t reuse nutrient solutions) and we tailor make our nutrient solutions. Thank you [ read more ]

Article 4-3 Male VS. Female

Can you help me regarding this hormone? I was told it promotes growth when sprayed on plants. I am not interested in having my plants become hermaphrodites. Which is it? Growth or hermies or both? Thanks, Patricia Patricia, Both. If sprayed in higher concentrations, giberellic acid will promote maleness in female plants. Sometimes this can be desirable. You can produce [ read more ]

Article 4-3 Hydroponics Foliar Fertilization

Hydroponic Foliar Fertilization By Dr. Lynette Morgan The most commonly used method of hydroponic plant fertilization is through a nutrient solution applied to the root zone of the crop. While plant root systems are in the most part efficient at absorbing mineral nutrients, certain conditions can prevent optimal uptake rates of some of the elements plants require. When plants are [ read more ]

Article 4-3 Adding Calcium Peroxide

Hello Erik, I have one more technical question: can I add calcium peroxide to soil that is to be sterilized (heated in a microwave for 10 min) or will this activate it too much and it will lose its potency? I understand that ordinarily it should be effective in releasing oxygen slowly for about one month. Thanks, Steve Steve: If [ read more ]

Successful Cutting

 by Professor Hydro Taking cuttings is one of the most popular ways to propagate a plant. Also referred to as cloning, it offers the ability to get multiple plants that are genetically identical to the mother plant. Many people feel intimidated by the process, and are a bit leery to attempt it. If you are one of those people, relax, [ read more ]