Category: Nutrients

Article 1-2 Benefits of Silicon

Potassium Silica is an easy to use liquid that provides supplemental potassium (3.7%) and silicon (7.8%). The latest research proves that plants benefit in many important ways from supplemental soluble silicon. These benefits include greater tolerance of environmental stresses, such as cold, heat, drought, salinity, mineral toxicity or deficiency, improved growth rates and resistance to insects and fungi. Soluble silicon [ read more ]

Article 1-1 Caring For Cuttings

Once cuttings are planted and watered, place them under a flourescent lamp where they will stay until rooted. Softwood cuttings require bottom heat of about 21°C (71°F), which is usually room temperature for most propagation areas. Keeping trays of cuttings on cold concrete floors will slow down root development. Avoid high temperatures in the tray as they force the cuttings [ read more ]

Article 5-4 Q’s Nutrient Problems

By Dr. Lynette Morgan Introduction Occasionally problems in a usually trouble free hydroponic system strike most growers, with growth of unwanted algae being the most common, but sometimes the problem can be hidden down in the root zone, where the culprit is not always obvious. Fungus gnat larvae and microscopic nematodes can do considerable damage to a hydroponic crop’s root [ read more ]

Article 5-4 Q’s Eric Fulvic Acids

I was wondering about the article you wrote on fulvic acids and the effect on taste on the fruits after the last week of spraying. Can you please let me know if it will affect the taste on the finishing product or if there is any worry on consumption? Also, how many drops is 1ml? Reason why I ask is [ read more ]

Article 5-2 Sample Trials

By William Sutherland of Growing Edge Technologies Soilless gardening is the only way to try new products, each plant has its own root zone that should not be contaminated with more than one plant food. Plant foods should be applied to a few plants to a maximum of half your garden. Growth supplements should be applied to some plants, but [ read more ]

Article 4-2 Waging War Against Pest Insects

Written by Sherri-Lee Mathers, Balsam Way Organics Fight fire with fire, not chemical warfare. Controlling pest insects these days using chemical sprays have caused a great amount of concern to both gardeners and consumers in general. Concerns that involve our environment, the health of our children, pets and for the gardeners themselves who are dispensing such chemicals or are working [ read more ]

Hydrogen Peroxide — What’s it all about?

Hydrogen peroxide is water (H2O) with an extra oxygen molecule. The combination is H2O2, an unstable powerful oxidant. It is a natural substance which can be found in trace amounts in rain and snow. Rain combines with ozone in the upper atmosphere. When the two mix, the ozone (O2) loses one oxygen molecule to the water and hydrogen peroxide is [ read more ]

Foliar Feeding

This article is reprinted here with permission of Maximum Yield magazine. An excellent article from an excellent publication! – Professor Hydro Hydroponic Foliar Fertilization By Dr. Lynette Morgan The most commonly used method of hydroponic plant fertilization is through a nutrient solution applied to the root zone of the crop. While plant root systems are in the most part efficient [ read more ]

Previously Asked Questions

We have just recently added this service to the website so there aren’t a lot of tips on file yet, but as time goes by the file will grow. NOTE: Now you can receive your weekly tips directly in your e-mailbox. The professor will e-mail you his periodic tips FREE. Now you’ll never miss a hot tip!  Click Here To [ read more ]