Category: Hydroponic Systems

Article 2-5 Different Forms of Odor Control

First I’d like to commend everyone on the great magazine, very informative, and the best thing about it that its pretty much in laymen’s terms which is a real asset to the beginner. I have a question concerning odor elimination. Currently we have a 10 X 10 room. What would be idea for this application. I think I ran across [ read more ]

Article 2-4 The Bucket System

One of the most popular systems today is the “BUCKET SYSTEM.” Generally this type of garden is “homemade” using five gallon plastic buckets, one gallon mesh bottom pots and some marine or thru-hull fittings. This system is very inexpensive and is automated enough to require only minimal maintenance. To assemble this system you need a series of five gallon plastic [ read more ]

Article 2-4 Oxygen

The first thing visitors from another world would see upon their approach to Earth is water. Our blue planet sparkles like a jewel bathed in sunlight. Water is apparent from a great distance in all three natural states: liquid, solid (glaciers) and gas (water vapor in the atmosphere). Life on Earth is based upon water. Just as the majority of [ read more ]

Article 1-6 Aero Hydroponics The Way of The Future

Aero Hydroponics – The Method of the Future The aero-hydroponic method was developed in Israel in the early 1980’s. Dr. Hillel Soffer, senior researcher at the VoIcani Institute at Ein Gedi developed the aero-hydroponic method to overcome the challenges presented by the hot, arid conditions at Ein Gedi. The discoveries that followed the development of aero-hydroponics offer great benefits to [ read more ]

Article 1-2 N.F.T.

N.F.T SYSTEMS – NUTRIENT FILM TECHNIQUE Flat bottom tray promotes most efficient gas exchange by roots Eliminates nutrient “pooling” and stagnation Use of net pot allows easy transplant of rooted cuttings or seedlings using rockwool cubes Roots establish quickly – No transplant shock The N.F.T. system that’s drawing these rave reviews is simplicity itself: crop roots grow in covered trays, [ read more ]

Article 1-1 Flood & Drain Systems

FLOOD AND DRAIN SYSTEMS Answer: These irrigation systems are based on a very simple concept: plants grow in individual rockwool blocks in a large shallow tray. The tray is flooded with nutrient solution until the rockwool cubes and roots are wet, then the tray is drained to allow air back into the cubes. Rockwool soaks up the food and water [ read more ]

Article 4-6 What The Customer Wants

By Tim Walker What do customers want? That question always comes to mind when evaluating new products. Will this new piece of equipment be in demand, or replace an existing unit? Will the price be in line with products that already are on the market? In my twenty plus years in horticulture, I have seen many fads and trendy products [ read more ]

Free System Plans

HAND-WATERED BUCKET Simple and inexpensive, this very basic and easy to build system will still deliver impressive results.  The series of holes that ring the bucket are about 1 1/2″ inches above the bottom.  This makes a small reservoir of nutrient solution that will be wicked up to the plants roots by the capillary action of the growing medium. Perfect [ read more ]


What’s the difference? by Roger H. Thayer I’d like to have a dollar for each time I’ve been asked, “Is it organic?”, since I started in the hydroponics business in 1972, I’d be rich! Is hydroponics organic? Is it chemical? What are the similarities and the differences? These questions have never really been answered to the satisfaction of most people [ read more ]