Robo Stick lamp stabilizer

Price: $35.82

Part Number: LR3.5RB

Availability: In-stock

LightRail RoboStik Lamp Stabilizer

Contact HTG Supply

RoboStik For LightRail 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0
The RoboStik is used for hanging a horizontal reflector from a LightRail 3.0, 3.5 or 4.0 perpendicular to the direction of travel. This item is not needed when hanging a horizontal reflector parallel to the direction of travel, but many creative uses have been found for them. It is packaged with hardware and instructions in a white box with label tape.

Light Rail 3.5 is rated to 35 lbs
Light Rail 5.0 is rated to 100 lbs

Sold in Quantity of:  1

Warranty Offered:

Weight 1.4 lbs
Dimensions 25.6 × 2.25 × 2.13 in