Enviromat Blue Sticky Mat 24″x36″, 8-Pack of 30-sheet pads

Price: $167.71

Part Number: EG62380

Availability: In-stock

International Enviromat® Blue Sticky Mat 24″x36″, 8-Pack of 30-sheet pads

Contact HTG Supply

Enviromat®, Sticky Mat, Blue, 24″x36″, 30/pad, 8 Pads/Case, 10 Cases/Master Case

Enviromat® a multi-layered ‘tacky mat’ floor protectors reduce particulates brought in by foot traffic. Pads are made of adhesive layers, which trap contaminants. When a layer gets dirty, simply tear it off to expose a clean one.

Sold in Quantity of:  1

Warranty Offered:

Weight 16.3 lbs
Dimensions 37 × 25 × 0.6 in