Apera EC calibration kit (2.77EC, 8oz.)

Price: $16.11

Part Number: AI71117

Availability: In-stock

GroStar EC Calibration Kit (2.77 EC, 8 oz. each)

Contact HTG Supply

GroStar by Apera EC Calibration Kit (2.77 EC, 8 oz. each)

• 2.77 EC conductivity standard calibration solution
• Used as a reference or checking solution to ensure you have adequately cleaned the EC/ppm probe
• Calibration Solution should be stored in a cool place out of direct sun and heat.
• Non-hazardous product
• Please keep out of reach of children 
• Made in USA

Sold in Quantity of:  1

Warranty Offered:

Weight 0.5 lbs
Dimensions 2.5 × 2.5 × 5.3 in